2014年4月26日 星期六

你填問卷,我送禮卷 電影票 精美好禮

【週末好禮加碼囉~~~ 電影票天天送!!! 只有6天!!!】 
要送你華納威秀電影票 (6張) 以及精美禮品(12份)!
快來舉手之勞填填問卷或分享給朋友吧~ 救救研究生!

活動網址: http://www.mysurvey.tw/s/Am9DNYjk  (點選就可以填了)

【期間: 4/25-4/30 只有6天】
【對象: 有買過限量商品者 (特價品、特賣品不算唷) 】
活動網址: http://www.mysurvey.tw/s/Am9DNYjk  

2009年6月28日 星期日

Group 9 Comment

Their topic is Vandalism.Vandalism is a vary seriuos problem happened in Taiwan. Some of them are ugly.But Taiwan not strict as other country in punish Vandalism.

Group 12 comment

This topic is animal adoption. The music and pictures were good,animals are so cute.I think we really should pay more attention on the environment around us and protect animals from being hurt.

Group 11 comment

Their topic is handicapped help,I like their PSA.they really worked hard,they took the pictures and video in person rather than grab from the internet. I gave them the biggest compliment .

handicapped people are inconveient in many ways ,they can not act like normal people.so we should give them a hand.

Group 10 comment

This is our group's work,i really touched that we made it.During the time we have to prepare for the final exam and do the project,it was such a... hardship.I hope everyone like our PSA .

2009年6月27日 星期六

Group 8 comment

Their topic is sportsmanship. I like this PSA TV ads very much. The PSA'S effect is really good. And I think the speaker's tone very good ,and so does their background music.The sportsmanship is very important.but in order to win the prize and use bad way was not worth.

Group 7 comment

This topic is animal abuse. The pictures fits this topic . The record is not very good but acceptable. They put many animal abouse's picture,it seems more make people touched but on the other hand we feel a little disgudting.:{